Over the past 2 years I've seen a lot of changes, both in myself and in EMS. Personally, my daughter was born, I've gotten divorced, met someone else and fallen in love again, gained hopefully a little wisdom in both of those areas but by no means am I an expert in either. Professionally, I'd have to say the same. The fundamentls havent changed but ive seen two total protocol changes, lots of meds have left and new ones hace taken their place and the same with equipment. I'm considered a senior medic now with my service, only 3 others on my shift have more time in. I'm still teaching and I still love it. I've found a definite calling in being an instructor. It seems as though I'm fairly decent at it, if you take the students and staff comments and add in pass rates. I've also participated in 2 state and regional paramedic competitions, I'll be writing about those experiences later on.
All in all, I feel like I've hit my stride in life. Sure, there are still quite a few things on my list of stuff I want to accomplish, but I'm a little more patient now and all things come to those who wait, or sonthy say. Till next time...
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